Works progressing between Bamenda and Babadjou road

The 17km stretch from Babadjou to Matazem is gradually being transformed from its earthy nature to a tarred road. Just over two months after BUNS, the company in charge of the work, began the rehabilitation process, many inhabitants and road users were doubtful and considered the operation another scam from the government.
From what is visible on the field, the sub-base has been prepared along the stretch. The sub-base provides a stable surface to support new pavement. The sub-base is a frost barrier to help reduce winter damage due to freezing and thawing.

Proof Roll, Undercutting, and Sub Base Repairs are also being done on some parts of the road as is the case with parts of Toumaka, Bamendousso, and Ndoji.
With the level of these works, it is hard to estimate its execution rate due to lack of communication with the communications department of the Ministry of Public Works. But inhabitants and road users have divergent opinions as some think the road might be abandoned despite the level of work done. Others think it’s the right time for the over 8 years deplorable road to be completed.
Let’s recall that the 17 km stretch has a duration of 18 months and is funded by the World Bank to the tune of 13,8 billion francs.