Women, Girls Encouraged To Become Public Speakers Through VERAYA IMPACT

The lack of confidence, self esteem, formal education and the fear of being judged among other things, have made women to suppress their potentials and voices at a time the society is in dire need of them.
VERAYA IMPACT has recognised the importance of a woman’s voice to society. Men as well as women do struggle with the fear of public speaking, but the struggles women go through have a connection with a history of women being silenced by society.
Do you know it is a huge problem for some people to even pray or introduce themselves? Talk less of addressing a public. This communication problem affects our performance at our job sites, businesses and day to day activities.
VERAYA IMPACT has observed the difficulties women face in trying to speak out and has taken up the challenge of helping women discover their voices and gain confidence to speak even publicly.
VERAYA IMPACT was innitiated in 2018 with mission to empower women through public speaking. This is done through regular training sessions, public events and outreach activities to schools and social groups. All of which has been taking place in Douala with inspiring feedback.
After one year of exciting progress in the lives of members, and in response to requests from the public, VERAYA IMPACT has decided to launch branches in Yaounde, Bamenda and Buea and subsequently in all regions to ensure that the IMPACT is extended to all and sundry. Women and girls from all walks of life are therefore encouraged to join the VERAYA team. No woman should be left behind.
For more information, send us an email to verayaimpact@gmail.com, WhatsApp 672083990.