Woman dies after C-section in Douala

A 26-year-old woman has died in Douala following a Caesarean section, carried out at the medical centre, “La Clinique Bienveillance” found in the Tergal neighbourhood, Douala 3 subdivision, CNA gathered.
” I left the house at about 6:40 am on Thursday. She was very fine and even helped arrange the clothes I wore before travelling”, the husband said, adding that “She called me at 2 pm saying she was in labour and had to go to the hospital. That’s a clinic not far from the house. She said medics examined her and said she will have to be operated” the woman’s husband explained in tears.
Unfortunately, the update on his wife’s situation was heartbreaking.
“After about an hour, I called to find out if everything was under control. I was told she was being taken to the Laquintini Hospital and that she needed an urgent blood transfusion. Her blood group was O+ and there was no one there with her blood group, so they were looking for a donor. She was admitted to the emergency ward of the Laquintini Hospital hoping to get a donor. I took a vehicle from Bagangte to Douala and while on the way, I received a call that she is dead,” He sobbed.
However, the delayed arrival of an ambulance was rather narrated to the grieving man as the cause of his wife’s death.
“I questioned the personnel in the operating room and one of them told me they called for an ambulance and it only arrived after two hours” He recounted.
Even with the newborn baby by him, the man remains inconsolable over his wife’s death.