West Region: Farmers and grazers in Babadjou agree to respect boundaries

By Stephen TADAHA
Farmers and grazers at the foot of Mount Bamboutos in Babadjou Subdivision have unanimously agreed to respect the boundaries meant for respective their activities in the locality.
The two parties took part in a meeting at the premises of the DO’s office in the Dodji neighborhood on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, under the supervision of Tchinda Apollinaire on behalf of the Divisional officer.
The meeting was in line with a project titled “Local Governance for effective conflict prevention and Resolution in the Littoral and West regions affected by the Crisis in the North-West and South-West Regions” implemented by ASSOAL, a Non-Governmental Organization.
The aim of this project is to find solutions to the agropastoral conflicts farmers and grazers have been faced with, in the past.
At the end of the working session, a boundary map that clearly distinguishes the grazing zone from the farming zone at the foot of Mount Bamboutos was presented and approved by both parties. This was done in the presence of the Divisional Delegates of Livestock, fisheries and animal industries, Agriculture and Rural Development, and of state property, surveys, and land tenure.
Also present at the working session were traditional authorities and the Bororo community leaders.