We are working hard for Cameroonians to enjoy world cup without power failure-Energy Minister

There has been constant power outage in Cameroon with the centre and southern regions worst hit in the month of November 2022. The Minister of Water and Energy, Gaston Eloundou has said that power plants in Edea in the Littoral region, Limbe in the South West region, and Kribi in the South region, have been down, causing power rationing.
While explaining the reasons for the intermittent outage, the Minister told State media on Wednesday, November 16, 2022, that the power plant has its own network grid with different voltage levels.
The Southern interconnected network which is the strongest of all with three in one supply has dropped in its energy power range, reasons why technicians are working to reinstate power, Mr. Eloundou Essomba told reporters.
He revealed that in the Eastern part of the country, the megawatts dropped from 190 to 60. This means that the eastern connection supplying electricity to the east region is also in a bad state, whereas only the southern and eastern connections can solve the constant power problem in Cameroon. He sees 2025 as the year the technicians can lay to rest the problem of power outages in Cameroon.
“Everything is being done so that Cameroonians can enjoy the World Cup in Qatar but the population should expect electricity failure sometimes,” Minister Eloundou Essomba Gaston said.