Voters, Senatorial candidates, and observers can go to polls without any fear- NW Governor

The Governor of the North West region, Adolphe Lele L’Afrique reassured Cameroonians and the international community that all security measures have been taken to ensure a hitch-free Senatorial election on March 12, 2023.
Speaking during an in-camera meeting with Cameroon’s electoral body’s board chair, Enow Abrams Egbe, the governor equally saluted the collaboration of the population, adding that it has greatly contributed to the return of peace in the region.
Elecam board chair disclosed that all election materials have been dispatched to various divisions pending election day “The staff has been trained, all equipment has been made available and we are just waiting for the D-day, “ he told reporters.
For this 3rd senatorial election in Cameroon, members of the regional assembly in the North West and South West regions will be voting for the first time. The president of the North West regional assembly Professor Fru Angwafor III told the press they are anxiously waiting “yes, it is our first time voting Senators. We have been schooled by Elecam officials on how we should go about it and I can assure you, all voters in the regional house of assembly are eager to exercise their civil rights”
A total of 1,127 regional and municipal Councilors are to take part in the senatorial election in the North West where just the ruling CPDM and the SDF are contesting.