Valentine’s day: who cares?

Valentine’s day is celebrated annually on February 14. It was originally a Christian feast day honoring a martyr named Saint Valentine and, later became a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance and love in many parts of the world.
In Cameroon, the day is usually celebrated by lovers who choose various means of showing their love for each other and it goes from offering chocolates to romantic dinners and more.
In the West region of Cameroon, opinions about the importance of this day vary.
Charlotte is a trader and says the day is of no importance to her but she usually celebrates because her partner finds it important:
” I am aware of the day but I only celebrate when my guy invites me. I go to market as every normal day.”
Max is a teacher who agrees with Charlotte.
“Valentine’s day is useless. It is a day for many people to go about flirting around. To me Valentine’s day should be everyday. It is not on February 14 that you will show your partner that love is at its peak. Those who do so are pretenders,” Max opinionates.
If some people think like Charlotte and Max, others have divergent points of view. Solange is a hairdresser and believes the day is a day to show your partner true love.
” If your partner really loves you, he should do something special on Valentine’s day,she tells us.
” The day is very important for me. I do close work early so that my partner and I should have some good time together. Thank God my partner was convinced on the idea some years back because he used to ignore the day,” she adds.
Kenneth says the day is very useful to him.
“It is a day to show love not only to your partner but also to others. I usually start the day by first of all sending love messages to my love ones,” says Kenneth.
“Many do misinterprete the meaning and go around doing odd things. It is not a day for harlots. It is a day for love,” Kenneth adds.
Happy Valentine’s day to all.