United Agro-pastoral Farmers partner with LSA to boost potato seeds in Cameroon

The partnership deal was reached at in 2023, whereby the LSA Seed Potatoes, a leader in potato seeds production in France, would deliver quality seeds to meet the demands of the Cameroon market, a member of the United Agro-pastoral Farmers Cooperative told CNA.
In November 2023, LSA Seed Potatoes representative, Asserrar Hafid met with his Cameroonian counterparts in Cameroon to discuss the deal.
“We discussed so many possibilities how we can boost potatoes production in Cameroon with improve seed. LSA is a very good company that produces quality F1 seed and remember that in history of our country since the crisis started in the Anglophone regions, the research Center IRAD stopped working on some of these seeds, so this was the only way for us to maintain good potatoes production in the country,” Mogou Christopher, the founder of United Agro-pastoral Farmers Cooperative, said.
The LSA based in France is said to also support farmers by providing them with technical follow up to boost potatoes farming.
“And LSA Seed Potatoes is not only supplying you seeds, the company follows you to the field to know the problems you’re facing and give you the best advice you need.” Mogou said.
On April 3, 2024, the United Agropastoral farmers Cooperative, Common Initiative Group, visited the Douala Sea Port to retrieve the first consignments of potatoes seeds from LSA. They are expected to make a first experiment with the 26 tons delivered from France.
“Diamant is a variety already registered in Cameroon so in this 26 tons, we have 22 tons of Diamant
Then with other different sample that’s included for our farmers to test. These are Selena, Dounia, Lilia, Kenza and Najah,” he revealed.
LSA Seed Potatoes is also envisaging to expand its African presence by fostering the partnership with United Agro-pastoral Farmers Cooperative, whereby a team member would be appointed as technical adviser for Africa, CNA learned.
The United Agro-pastoral Farmers Cooperative is the only CIG in Cameroon that cultivates potatoes in large quantities amounting to about 800 tons per year.
The Santa, Mezam in North West region, based Common Initiative Group, has expanded its reach in the West region and can boost of importing tons of seeds for farmers.
The Cooperative said it also grateful for the help offered by the Ministry of Agriculture that signed their permit to import foreign seeds into Cameroon.
“The government has also been a good partner because they facilitated the paper works for us. We appreciate government efforts to see that Cameroonian farmers have potatoes seeds through our efforts,” Mogou said.