Club subventions: Did Samuel Eto’o lie to Cameroonians about 560 million?

Journalists in Cameroon, while attending a training programme aimed at explaining new FECAFOOT functioning got some shocking information.
Cameroon football federation president Samuel Eto’o Fils declared on June 27 2022 that state subventions of F CFA 560 million aimed at helping local clubs in their functioning had still not been released by “men operating in the dark” over two months after the state had asked that it be released to the federation.
The sports ministry in a note written by the special treasurer at the ministry and addressed to the finance ministry has shown that the amount was given to the FECAFOOT accountant in two installments between April 18th and 27th 2022.

Following the publication of these documents, many questions have followed with the main ones being if Eto’o Fils voluntarily lied to Cameroonians on the said subvention to reduce pressure being mounted on him by Pierre Semengue, president of the transition committee, CTFP or if the money was paid but hidden from the FECAFOOT boss. Is it also possible that the said documents were rapidly made following Eto’o Fils’ declarations? FECAFOOT is yet to respond following these new revelations.