The Ngafesson Kidnap Saga: Jailed Penn Terence, Pens National Telegraph, Denies Involvement

The dust is yet to settle on the recent kidnap of former Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Justice in charge of Penitentiary, Emmanuel Ngafesson, in Bamenda. Teacher and Activist, Penn Terence, currently detained in Cameroon’s maximum prison in Yaounde, has denied claims, he coordinated actions from prison.
In a letter written to The National Telegraph, an online news outlet, Penn Terence states categorical that he only negotiated for the release of the former Minister Delegate upon request from family members.
He told the Publisher “The entire story is biased, unprofessional and clearly an attempt to tarnish my image and person as an educator and a Human Rights Activist. This outrageous outing of yours put my life and that of my family in grave danger. I will not be libeled by you and your paper, NATIONAL TELEGRAPH”
Penn, Pens a letter to National Telegraph
Though the teacher cum activist did not say much on how he intervened in the kidnap case , he revealed that he was only solicited, ” If providing assistance to rescue a kidnapped person is abetting the crime (proofs and facts speak for themselves, something you did not care to find out),be informed that your agitations and reckless behavior on social media is putting my life and many others in danger>” He said in his letter to NT.
Penn, Pens a letter to National Telegraph
Mr Penn added that NT must publish his rejoinder or face a law suit in the days ahead, “Be reminded that should this rejoinder not be published on the same online National Telegraph that you use to blackmail and smear my name, I reserve the right to filing for a criminal suit against you and your paper for libel, propagation of fake news and inciting violence against my person. If anything were to happen to me or my family, I will hold you responsible.”
Penn Terence was seriously beaten by other inmates on April 10 for his alleged involvement in kidnappings , but he denied allegations. Prison sources have said, he can hardly breath, due to punches he received.
On Wednesday April 10, 2019, National Telegraph published an article titled- Cameroon: Uproar In Kondengui As Penn Terence Receives Serious Beatings!
National Telegraph has been informed late Wednesday April 10 that Penn’s lynching is not unconnected to the issue. Our source said some concerned Anglophone inmates angered by the accusations, decided to open up an investigation into the matter.
One of the inmates told us Penn Terence is a ringleader, our source said, adding that they’re four others with whom Penn works with to organize the kidnappings from jail.
According to reports, one of the culprits confused that Penn brought the idea in which from the prison, they call people from outside and threatened them to pay a sum of money as support to the war or face the music.
A selected lines from National Telegraph on the kidnap saga
Recently, CNA has been investigating kidnap cases in the North West and South West regions and sources have pointed accusing fingers at Anglophone inmates at the Douala New Bell Prison and Yaounde Kondengui Prison, but CNA cannot categorically state a name responsible for the acts.
Prison sources in New Bell told CNA that some few inmates were caught but that each time they are caught, they find their way through by bribing Prison guards with the sum of 5000 FCFA. The source added that some of these inmates go as far as taking permission out of prison to negotiate a kidnap case.
Our source said about 40% of calls threatening people to donate to the armed conflict in Southern Cameroons, come from the two mentioned prisons.
Emmanuel Bantar Ngafesson was kidnapped on night of March 19 breaking 20 form his Ntasen residence in Bamenda. An undisclosed ransom was allegedly paid for his release.