UN calls on Cameroon to immediately release Ambazonia leader Sisiku Ayuktabe, Nera 10

By Wilson Musa
The United Nations working group has cautioned Cameroon on the arrest and detention of Cameroon’s separatist leaders; Sisiku Ayuktabe, Henry Tata Kimeng, Egbe Ntui Ogork, Elias Ebai Eyambe. Blaise Sevidzem, Nfor Ngala Nfor, Shufia Blaise, Wilfred Tassang, Cheh Augustine Awasum, Fidelis Ndeh-Che. They are currently being detained at the Kondengui Central prison in Yaounde.
According to the UN working group on arbitrary arrest and detention, there should be an “immediate and unconditional release” of the detainees. The document stating their release was made public some time ago without having benefitted from the responses of Cameroonian and Nigerian authorities. The paper says that the arrest and detention process was in violation of international human rights law.
The working group further states that the arrests and detention of these separatists are “arbitrary”. It further mentions that articles 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were violated. They also said Articles 2 (1) and (3), 9, 14, and 26 of the International Covenant on civil and political rights were violated therefore violating the rights of the detainees.

These include arrests without arrest warrants, conditions of detention at the secretary of State for Defence, and their judgment in Cameroon
Arrested on January 5, 2018, at Nera hotel Abuja in Nigeria during a special operation by the Nigerian special operation unit, DSS, the separatist leaders were deported to Cameroon. Some have benefitted from the refugee status granted to them by the Nigerian office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (NBUNHCR) while others had their applications pending.
Following their deportation, the military court in Yaounde sentenced them to life imprisonment with a fine of FCFA 250 billion.
The Working group adopted the resolution in its 94th session held in August and September 2022, but the document was made public on October 14, 2022.