State universities reach agreement to settle unpaid ENEO bills

After many debt related issues between some state institutions and the Cameroon electricity distribution company, ENEO, state universities have been given a one-month deadline to pay their electricity bills.
This is one of the recommendations taken during a meeting organized by higher education minister Jacques Fame Ndongo via video conference with his colleague of water resources and energy Gaston Eloundou Essomba and Rectors and Vice Chancellors of all 11 state universities this October 5th, 2022. The meeting was also attended by representatives of ENEO.
The meeting had as objective to find a sustainable, efficient and legal solution to the electricity bill crisis rocking the state universities and ENEO.
At the end of the over 2-hour meeting, it was agreed that a 1-month deadline be given to each state university to pay bills owed to ENEO via a commission that will be made up of representatives from the ministry of water resources and energy, ENEO, the electricity sector regulatory agency and the Rector or Vice Chancellor of the concerned university.

ENEO on its part will install highly performant meters in universities so as to guarantee the authenticity of bills that will in turn be diligently paid by the universities concerned.