Road accidents have been reduced by 31% in Cameroon -Minister

By Stephen TADAHA
Minister Jean Ernest Massena Ngale made the statement at the Koffi Annan Road Safety Awards in Marrakech, Morocco.
Cameroon’s Ministry of Transport was honored with two major distinctions at the 2nd edition of the Koffi Annan Road Safety Awards which recognizes outstanding contributions in reducing fatalities and injuries from road crashes in Africa.
The 2023 edition was jointly organized from September 25-26 by the special envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General in charge of road safety, the World Bank, the Economic Commission for Africa, and the Koffi Annan Foundation.
The first distinction received by Minister Jean Ernest Massena Ngalle Bibehe of Transport was in the category of Best practices in Africa in the use of artificial intelligence in fighting against road accidents. This distinction was won thanks to the Ym@ne driver system, which is a system to monitor and manage drivers of interurban transport agencies and heavy-duty truck drivers by installing hidden surveillance cameras in their vehicles.
The second distinction is a prize awarded thanks to the participation of civil society in the sensitization and communication on road safety issues through the SECUROUTE Association under the Ministry of Transport.
The communication department of the Ministry of Transport revealed that efforts from the government have succeeded in reducing the number of road accidents in the country and deaths related to road accidents by 31%, against a world target of 50%.