Turkey: crackdown on illegal migrants continues

The crackdown on illegal migrants which began at the end of the month of July in Istanbul is still ongoing and authorities say their objective is to depopulate the over-crowded city.
The interior ministry’s provincial migration administration has issued and ultimatum to Syrians under temporary protection to leave Istanbul by September 24th if registered in other cities.
Police harassment of foreigners especially Syrians and members of the black community in Istanbul has left many of them frustrated over the loss of thier jobs as most illegal migrants have been arrested and kept in prison in Tuzla and Pendik and some have simply been repatriated.
Most of these illegal migrants have resolved to staying home to avoid being caught by police who are stationed at almost every busy square in Istanbul especially in neighborhoods mostly inhabited by people of the targeted groups. One of them, Felix, says he has been home for over one week because he fears being picked up by Police on his way to work.
Most migrants living in Turkey say Turkish citizens are getting more and more hostile and unwelcoming towards them because they believe the migrants are the reason why their economy is currently unstable.