Transport Minister Mebe Ngo’o Worried On The Dilapidated State of Garoua Airport

By Peter Kum
Garoua, Cameroon-July 6, 2017-9 pm Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) The minister of transport, Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo’o has expressed worries on the not-so good state of the Garoua international airport which is expected to act as one of the entry routes into Cameroon when the country hosts the 2019 AFCON.
The minister who was speaking in Garoua, north region during an inspection tour said, the government is very preoccupied with the present state of the Garoua International airport hose runways are dilapidated.
Minister Mebe Ngo’o after visiting the airport identified three major problems; the runway which has 3400 metres is partially used as 800 metres is a no go zone, consequently only 2600 metres is under usage, part of the roofs at the Garoua airport seriously needs renovation, the minister said there were leakages which wets luggage and passenger terminals.
Also there are constant power failures at the airport due to a breakdown of some equipments of ASECNA, airport Aviation authority.
Mebe Ngo’o said the Garoua airport must be in good state before the 2019 AFCON.
Transport minister will be visiting other decentralized structures of his ministry in the North before going to Bertoua.