Three civilians tortured, killed by gov’t forces in Batibo

The three civilians were arrested and tortured with their hands tied around their backs before being summarily executed. Among the three, two were brothers.
Women wailed in Guneku village, Batibbo subdivision, Momo Division in the North West region while the lifeless bodies lay on the streets.
“It happened around 5 AM on Monday, they shot two brothers and the third one was taken away but he died later,” a witness said.

“They set houses on fire, killed three, these are two on the ground ( referring to two brothers). You can see the bloody ground, they also set houses on fire,” another witness said.
Monday is supposed to be a ghost town in the entire Anglophone region but government forces accused of killing the three civilians have not ceased to invade villages during the ghost town days.
“I overheard a military man saying that they love Monday ghost towns because they know that everyone will be home, hence anyone they see outside is a suspect,” a source told CNA.