Until our comrades are released, Regina Mundi will never be free and even her dead body will be traded for that of Gen. Mbah Ivo- Ayaba Cho Lucas

Calls have been made from the civil society, humanitarian, religious, and the families for her release, but the commander-in-chief of the armed, Ambazonia Defense Forces, ADF, Dr. Ayaba Cho Lucas, has said the 80-year-old Senator shall only be released in exchange for political prisoners, more than 75 of them locked up since the armed conflict started in the Southern Cameroons.
The Ambazonian group has used an old detainee, as old as the Senator, as an example. Nfor Ngala Nfor, leader of the Southern Cameroon National Council, SCNC, is top on the request list.
“Now, let me make this clear to the world and to Ambazonians. We need Pa Nfor and 75 others released in exchange for Regina Mundi.” Ayaba said in a statement on Sunday, May 15, 2022.
Since April 30, 2022, Senator Regina Mundi has remained in captivity. She was picked up in Bamenda and taken to an unknown destination. Though the armed group has said Cameroon armed forces made failed attempts to free her.
The leader said his group is taking care of the Senator and have bought new wears for her.
“Today, l had a video call with Mrs. Regina Mundi. I asked her if she was being treated well. She said she was being treated well. I asked if she was on any medication. She said No. l asked her if she has any prior illness that we should be worried about. She said no. I asked her if she has any mental incapacitation and she said, No.” he added.
Since the conflict started in 2016, this is the first time that such a high-profile personality has been captured and prisoner exchange demanded. The ADF has said they can go as far as exchanging even her dead body, she will never be released without a prisoner exchange.
“Mrs. Regina Mundi will never be free and even her dead body will be traded for that of Gen. Mbah Ivo… Don’t pray for an enabler, a supposed grandma who aids and facilitates genocide of his own people. Pray for Pa Nfor. Pray for Ngalim Felix. Pray for Tatih Ngu. Pray for Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and all the PoCs who suffer in jail just because they’re Ambazonians. Independence means independence.” the leader assured.
Cameroon government has not commented on the kidnapping of the lawmaker, just like their muteness on the kidnapping of North West Chiefs President, and the kidnapping of Six Ndian Delegates among others. Is the government passing a message as if to say, all those who have been kidnapped or killed so far are Anglophones? Will the government show more concern if it were a Francophone Senator? The public is beginning to wonder about the loud silence of the regime over the fates of these personalities.