Tarring of Kumba -Ekonde Titi road begins this week

The senior Divisional Officer (SDO) for Meme division Ntu’uh Ndong Chamberlain has visited the Kumba- Ekondo Titi road construction site to ensure work is going on hitch-free to avoid running into delays later omn as has been the case before.
The Kumba – Ekondo Titi road is a very important road as often times cocoa is transported on this road as well as foodstuff. The SDO pleaded with the people of Bole to join hands with the workers so the road construction can be successful and he assured them that the war is over and it is time for Meme to develop after so many years of suffering.
“My heart is filled with so much joy. In fact I really do not know how to express it. For so many years we have suffered. Transporting foodstuff or cocoa from the farm to town was not easy but with this work going on in fact I feel like crying. It is like a dream to most of us because this road is very very important to us,” Demian Mbu, a farmer said.
“We thank the government for doing this. From here Mbonge to Kumba sometimes I pay 5,000frs just so my kids can go to school and I am so happy because finally no more high cost of transportation as I watch this road being opened. We are so glad and grateful keeping aside all the problems yet to be fixed in Cameroon but we pray for the best ahead of 2023,” Chistabel Amah a parent said.
The President of the Republic during his end of year speech made mention of road constructions and mentioned the Kumba road.
“We are ready and available to assist any day and time to join the other workers so the road construction project can move faster. I have seen how it is moving and I’m sure just little is left. To be honest we are excited because for over 5 years now we have hardly had good tidings over here in Kumba, Meme. We do not mind working for free after all it is for our own benefit,” Denis Ewane a cocoa dealer said beaming.
The people of Meme division have expressed thier satisfaction and pray more development projects are carried out to put an end to the 5 years of fighting.