Tarring of Babadjou-Matazem road has started

Works along the Babadjou-Matazem stretch on the national number 6 road have resumed.
Inhabitants are beginning to wear smiling faces as BUNS has began tarring some parts of the road specifically on the first part of the stretch from Babadjou to Matazem at kilometer post 5+300. The tarring process will continue on other parts of the road according to the the entreprise’s road map.
With this, many still have mixed feelings on whether or not the roads will be completed. Some tell us they don’t trust the government even with the appearance of tar:
“We are have been waiting for this for long, I’m now convinced this time around, works will be done looking at the rythme” an inhabitant gives us his impressions.
“When a road passes development follows, I’m convinced the area will develop economically this time” another inhabitant tells us.

A “Thomas” as the name insinuates, says “even with this, I don’t trust our government, works can be abandoned even at this level, so I must see the complete tar before I agree.”
Education-wise, many students plying the road on the daily basis have been expressing satisfaction saying the state of the road now helps them save money and keeps them clean:
“The road is better as compared to last year because with F CFA100, I can reach school and on time not the 200 and sometimes 300 that I used to spend before” confirms a student.
The state of this road now is good because I can wear my white inner-wear and polish my shoes to and from school. We really thank the government for hearing our cries” another student jubilates.
We should recall that works began on this stretch in April 2022 and according to the Ministry of Public Works, the execution rate stood at 14.64 % as of September 22nd with a deadline consumption rate of 36.11 %.