SWR: Water scarcity frustrating breastfeeding mothers

By Shanta Sih
Breastfeeding mothers in towns like Tiko – Chombes quarter are crying for water to be made available to them on aregular basis. They say they are frustrated by the lack of water and can no longer carry out basic tasks such as laundry and this can be very challenging when one has a new born to take care of.
“It is impossible to live like this. Every morning there is always heavy washing of dresses and cleaning personally. Any mother will understand what I mean,” Ndum Damaris a breast feeding mother cries out.
Over the months, we have had other towns like limbe and Buea complaining about water shortage to the extent that women in Limbe carried out a peaceful protest asking the authorities to give them water.
“For over two weeks now we have not had even a drop of water. We walk long distance even pay young men to help get us water from other towns. Who can live without water?” Thomas Ndi a worker in Tiko explains.
Cameroonians have also pleaded and are still pleading with house owners to make boreholes available for tenants. “You will only hear high prices like 60,000frs for a studio in Buea and they will preach to you on how there is constant water flow but once you move inside, you start suffering. Why of all places should Buea lack water when the mountain is just near us?” Moukam isidore a university student wonders.

Streams and public taps have been reported to have unusual population due to scarcity and unfortunately people who own wells are not always willing to let everyone get water from this source. The destruction of the Likomba Bridge is suspected to be the root cause of water water shortage as the pipe providing water to Tiko is connected to the bridge but the people are asking why the council or govenment till now have done nothing to remedy the situation.