
South West Governor reminds teachers to adhere to redeployment instructions

South West Governor, Bernard Okalia Bilai reminded teachers in non functional government owned schools of Secondary Education to follow instructions redeploying them.

The regional head was speaking in Tiko at the first Secondary Education Sector Conference as follow-up to a ministerial note. During the launch of the 2024/2025 academic year.

Bernard Okalia Bilai warned against absenteeism amongst teachers and other secondary education stakeholders. He called for committment and duty consciousness inorder to contribute to nation building. He added that government will crack down on cladestine schools.

The conclave held with theme; “The impact of new pedagogic tools on the digitalization process at the Ministry of Secondary Education”, on August 27, 2024 at Amphi 1000 of Saint Mary International College Modeka, Tiko.

The meeting which had regional education stakeholders in attendance featured the award of Certificate of Excellence to some institutions, students, teachers and principals for their performances during the previous academic year.

The Regional Delegate of Secondary Education, Dr. Etonde Mbua for her part, urged collaborators to ensure that inclusive education is practiced. She discussed on the challenges of the previous year, proposing solutions for the upcoming academic year.

Atleast 2,875 schools are not functional in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon going by most recent UNICEF statistics. While over 246,354 children are said to have been affected as a result of the ongoing seven years socio-political conflict.

Over 25 violent incidents related to education were reported in 2023, including killing of school personnel, abductions of students and teachers, physical assault and injuries on parents, students and teachers, threats, and damage to schools’ infrastructure according to OCHA.

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