Soldiers Deployed In NWSW To Boost Voters Turnout

Some 910 military, gendarmerie and Police servicemen and women deployed to Buea will be able to vote in the February 9, 2020, local polls, ELECAM, the electoral body has revealed. ELECAM quotes section 82 (1, 2 and 3) of the April 2012 electoral laws as the foundation for the decision. Those in Bamenda and other parts of the two restive regions will do the same exercise in their areas of duties.

The law says:
SECTION 82: (1) The following persons may be entered on the electoral register outside revision periods, without any residency requirements and where such changes lead to a change of residence:
(a) Civil Servants and State employees who have been either transferred or placed on retirement after the closing date for registration, as well as any members of their families who are living with them on the date of such transfer or retirement;
(b) Servicemen who have been demobilized after the expiry of the time limit for registration;
(2) The provisions of Section 82(1) (a) above shall also apply to private-sector employees who have been either transferred or placed on retirement.
(3) Applications for entry on electoral registers outside the revision of the period shall be supported by all relevant information and filed with the Council Branch of Elections Cameroon.
Ambazonia separatists have called for a boycott of the polls and a lockdown is already effective in major parts of the regions. The 2018 Presidential elections witnessed only 5% participation in the two Anglophone regions.