Senatorial appointments: opposition gets 5%

By Stephen TADAHA
The Upper House of parliament now has all its 100 members known. 30 senators were appointed this Friday March 31st by the Head of State, Paul Biya, to join the 70 others elected so that the Upper House can be complete.

Of the 30 appointed, 5 are from the opposition party.
They are:
Flambeau Ngayap of the NUDP, Littoral,
Marlyse Aboui of the ANDP, East Region,
Me Paulin Djorwe of the MDR Far North,
Besongoh Akemfor of the UPC, South West
Vanigassen Mochiggle of the SDF North West.
This means of the 100 senators, 95 are of the Ruling CPDM party making up 95% of the Senate and 5% for the opposition.
In terms of gender, 5 women make up the list of 30 senators appointed by the Head of State thus a 16. 7% representation of appointed women. This also means of all 100 senators, 33% are women.
It should also be noted that 11 new faces were appointed in the set of 30. Among them is Fon Ekoko Mukete of the Bafaws in the South West Region who replaces his father, late Fon Victor Mukete who passed away on April 10, 2021.
Also, former FECAFOOT President Seidou Mbombo Njoya, Emmanuel Chatue of Canal 2 and Sweet FM and Professor Oumarou Mazadou, Philosophy lecturer at the University of Yaounde 1 are newcomers.
Here is the full list of Senators appointed per region.
North West :
- Fon Chafah Isaac
- Mrs Regina Mundi Elizabeth
- Mr Vanigassen Mochiggle
South West :
- Mr Andja Simon Onjwo
- Mr Ekoko Mukete
- Mr Leke Besongoh Akemfor Phillip.
- Mr Niat Njifenji Marcel
- Mr Chatue Emmanuel
- Mr Mbombo Njoya Seidou
- Jean Marie Pongmoni
- Robert Nkili
- Henriette Sournac
- Ernest Mouen Dibounje
- David Siegfried Etame Massoma
- Pierre Flambeau Ngayap
Far North :
- Mahamat Bahar Marouf
- Maloum Bra
- Paulin Djorwe
East Region
- René Ze Nguele
- Hilarion Diwala Mony
- Marlyse Aboui
- Abdoulaye Aboubakary
- Pierrette Aïcha Hayatou
- Yves Tizi Tourmba Malaye
- Mr Ngalli Ngoa Pierre Henri
- Mr Menye Ondo François Xavier
- Mrs Bisseck Paulette.
Adamawa :
-Mohaman Gabdo Yaya , lamido de Banyo
- Moussa Sabo, Lamido de Meiganga
- Oumarou Mazadou
The term of office of the senators begins on the opening day of the ordinary session of the Senate as of right, scheduled for April 11, 2023.