Douala: authorities incinerate drugs worth millions

Health and administrative authorities in the Douala III sub-division have begun an operation to confiscate and incinerate drugs deemed harmful to the health of the population.
The first phase of this operation resulted in the seizure of about 100 bags of contraband drugs worth FCFA 60 Million:
“It is a campaign to eradicate the sale and consumption of road side medication. This activity is very dangerous to the population because some of these drugs sold along the road , in neighbourhoods by charlatans are fake, of poor quality and have mostly expired . Imagine the consequences these could have! I think this operation is very imperative.” Stressed Ayissi MVOGO , the Divisional Officer of Douala III sub-division.
This administrative authority advised the population of his area of jurisdiction in particular and Douala at large to refrain from the consumption of these contraband road side medications for their safety:
“If you are sick, good to the hospital for consultation. You will be prescribed the right drugs and dosage. You could also get good drugs from authorized pharmacies.”
This campaign to strangulate the sale of road side drugs according to the actors will continue around the municipality till further notice.