Press Release: We introduce you Peak Performers University (PPU)

A Virtual Personal & Professional Development University
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, seemingly has not left the educational world uninfluenced, the way humans learn has been greatly digitized.
The process seemed slow until the outbreak and spread of COVID-19 which inevitably led to a drastic transition to online classes, making virtual learning to become the way out for most people, especially busy executives and entrepreneurs..
A research carried out by a South Korean university shows that students prefer pre-recorded lessons to live Zoom lectures; 53.8%
chose pre-recorded video lectures, 7.7% chose live Zoom lectures, and 30.8% chose both pre-recorded and live Zoom lectures.
Further questioning and comparison of mean values showed that pre-recorded lessons are preferred to live Zoom lectures.
Pre-recorded video lectures are preferred because of the following:
Educational effectiveness
Reflective actions for transformation
The Peak Performers University through her online courses gives you contextualized and proven knowledge, strategies, and skills to help
you achieve peak results in your career, business and personal life.
These courses (100+) are pre-recorded so you can go through them at your convenience.
PPU is a CPD, IEFI, IIICL accredited learning institution. PPU collaborates with The Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Business Management Development, Brainae University, Delaware, United States of America, Webbic University College, Accra, Ghana and
Lighthouse Leadership University Nigeria
Taking courses at the Peak Performers University, you get your certificate immediately and you validate your chosen course.
You equally have e-books to help you broaden your scope of understanding and peak performance tools to enhance your personal and
professional success.
Visit and explore and start learning
PPU Team