Public health boss reiterates government commitment to eradicate malaria

By Vera Fon
The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Manaouda Malachi, has reiterated the commitment of the Cameroon government to eradicate malaria in Cameroon.
He was speaking this April 25th during a workshop organized in Yaounde on the occasion of the commemoration of the 16th edition of world malaria day celebrated this year under the theme: “Time to deliver zero malaria, invest, innovate, implement”.
“This April 25th the whole world is organizing a setup advocacy in favor of the fight against malaria. Cameroon which is not left behind has joined the international community for this advocacy in taking stock of the enforcement over the past 12 months. This is also the opportunity to reiterate the commitment of the Cameroon government and its partner to eradicate this disease,” Dr Manaouda stated.
The US Ambassador to Cameroon, Christopher John Lamora declared that the US government has invested billions in the fight against the disease.
“Through the President’s Malaria Initiative, PMI, the US government has invested more than 80 billion FCFA in Cameroon since 2017. This investment has helped to reduce overall child mortality by more than 35 %.
“Between 2017 and 2022, PMI in collaboration with Cameroon’s malaria control program, has provided seasonal malaria chemoprevention treatment to close to 2 million children annually and supported more than 75,000 capacity building trainings for Cameroonian health workers. Last year, the government delivered more than 5,000 insecticides treated mosquito nets, 9 million doses of seasonal malaria chemoprevention treatment, and 2 million rapid diagnoses tests in the North and Far North regions.”
The Ambassador further explained that the US government has been involved in the global fight against malaria from the 1950s till date.
Various stakeholders have therefore reflected on the progress made so far in eradicating the disease as well as highlighted the need for continuous investment and sustained political, economic and social commitment to prevent and get rid of malaria.