Trade minister warns against price surge on basic commodities

Prices of some basic commodities like bread, cooking oil, cereals, sugar, onion, banana and even eggs among others have significantly increased in the past days.
This sudden surge in prices has left many citizens wondering how people who live on minimum wage will survive. “I used to buy bread for F CFA 125 but now I need at least F CFA 200 if I want to get a single piece now. I even heard there is a new form of bread made from potatoes and cassava but it is F CFA 500! who will buy it?” Rhoda, a house maid living in Douala laments. She is just one of many who have been looking for alternative sources to feed. “I now prefer to make fufu and some soup for my daughter and I to have as breakfast. It is cost effective” Rhoda adds.
With these complaints on the increase, the Minister of Trade and Commerce has reminded producers, importers, and wholesalers that they must follow due procedure before instituting prices on their products.
Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana says proposed new prices of fish, milk, rice, cooking salt, sugar, bread and pastries, crude palm oil, refined vegetable oil, etc must be deposited at his ministry 15 days before the date provided for the implementation. He said the Ministry must take the decision before the product is put on the market. This remark was made in a letter addressing the burst in prices on the market.