Pope authorizes same-sex blessings, not marriage

Many have been confused about the outing of the Pope Francis of the Catholic Church, on Monday in which he said Catholic Priests could bless same-sex couples.
With the Declaration called “Fiducia supplicans” issued by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, this applies when two people request a blessing, even if their situation as a couple is “irregular,” it will be possible for the ordained minister to consent.
However, this gesture of pastoral closeness must avoid any elements that remotely resemble a marriage rite.
The part above clearly states that the Priests must not come close to anything that resembles marriage rites.
Blessing can be seen as a prayer asking for divine favor and protection or God’s favor and protection- this means that same-sex persons can ask Priests to bless them in their daily lives but not ask them to bless their marriage.
“helping people feel that they are still blessed despite their mistakes and that “their heavenly Father continues to will their good and to hope that they will ultimately open themselves to the good”. The Vatican stressed the point.