Limbe loses out on Bitumen plant, other projects

Limbe, Cameroon (CNA)– The South West region has once again been the subject of development controversy after the Median newspaper reported on Monday that a planned bitumen plant has been relocated from Limbe to Kribi in the South region.
The revelation has ignited fresh concerns about the region’s development trajectory, particularly as it follows a pattern of high-profile projects being redirected from Limbe. The Deep Sea Port, a cement factory, and a shipyard, all initially slated for Limbe, remain unconstructed.
Senator Fonderson, representing Fakjo Division in the upper house of parliament, has reignited the debate over the Tiko Airport project, questioning why these critical infrastructure developments have been diverted from their original locations.
The reasons behind the relocation of the bitumen plant and the stalled progress of other projects in Limbe have not been officially disclosed. Anglophone shave cried foul with no meaningful projects in view at he Sea Port. Though Limbe hosts the national oil refinary, SONARA, the company is mainly French speaking in terms of administrative set up with no GM from the ANglophone community.