JEMUCAM Prays For Peace And Stability In Cameroon

By Momoh Dero in Edea.
For some years now, Cameroon has been drowned by armed conflicts in the country’s Northern and the English speaking regions.
The conflict has greatly affected the socio-economic and political landscape of the country, raising a multitude of security concerns all over the national territory.
The efforts made by stakeholders to restore peace are evidently insufficient, and reality confirms that patriots of the land need to do more.
In an effort to contribute its own quota to restore peace and stability in Cameroon, the Association of Muslim Entrepreneurs in Cameroon- JEMUCAM, convened a spiritual gathering to seek Allah intervention on Friday, December 20, 2019.
This event held at the grand mosque in Edea 2 Municipality, with the Sub-Divisional Officer for Sanaga Maritime, Emile Achille Mpanda Imams of the area in attendance.
The Muslims also seized the opportunity to pray for the quick recovery of the Gabonese President who is convalescent.
JEMUCAM President, Triyah Swebu, valorizing peace in his address stated that peace is a prerequisite for success in economic activities and thus without it, economic activities and the development of the nation can only remain an illusion.
His words were in correlation with what the United Nations secretary-general Antonio Guterres recently said that sustainable and inclusive development is essential to fulfilling Africa’s enormous potentials.
Development in all sense becomes farfetched if peace does not reign.
However. Imam Sani Mohammad invoked Allah in a solidarity prayer during the session, to grant Ali Bongo of Gabon, a quick recovery.
It should be noted that Ali Bongo Odimba, Gabonese president suffered a stroke in 2018 and since then he has not been in good health.
”The particular reason we are praying for the President of the Republic of Gabon is that we are children, sons, and daughters of the Central African sub-region and Muslim at the same time, thus we rally with the Gabonese president who is a Muslim through our prayers. The fraternity has no boundaries.” Said JEMUCAM President Triyah Swebu.
JEMUCAM is an association aimed at consolidating; trade, peace, development, and excellence of young Muslim entrepreneurs in Cameroon. The association has a membership of one hundred and six months old since creation.
It opens a platform for Muslim businessmen for deliberations, networking and economic solidarity and empowerment of young Muslim entrepreneurs.