Passion week: christians urged to emulate Christ

Christian activities across Cameroon marking the passion week this year, began as usual on Palm Sunday, falling this year on April 2.
The feast commemorating the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, was celebrated through church sermons and Bible sharing gatherings among other activities.
Father Celestin Xavier Ondobo Ekae, officiated the service at the Our Lady of Victories Cathedral in Yaounde. He said “It is important for Christians to associate themselves to Christ.”
The Vicar added that Christians have to “understand that the passion is the moment when God leaves himself to take human conditions, conditions of pain, not only physically in the crucifixion and others, but a psychological pain from false accusations and falacious condemnation.”
Several Christians have expressed what the period symbolizes to them.
“It is important to every christian, the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem where he was killed, where he died for our sins,” Samuel in Douala said. “It eventually leads to Easter one of the most important feasts in the life of a Christian.”
“During the passion week, each Christian has to fast and pray more. This is because you are preparing for redemption. When he dies and resurrects you actually feel as he takes away your sins. It comes with fulfillment” Samuel adds.
The passion week will get to high solemnity when the Holy Triduum begins. This includes Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, before Easter Sunday.