GHS Mouotourwa students have to sit on floor to learn

Government High School Mouotourwa in the Mayo-Kani division of the Far North region of Cameroon is in a pathetic state begging for the attention of government authorities who believe they have already given enough to this establishment.
Most of the school structures do not have rooftops to shelter the learners from the harsh climatic conditionsl. Consequently, the students of this school are exposed to not only harsh sunshine but rain as well.

More to this, the school lacks benches on which the students can sit and write. Dressed in their uniforms, these knowledge seekers have to sit on the floor in order to follow up their lessons. Some prefer to squat or make use of planks and windows.

To occupy the few benches, students need to be in school as early as 6:00am:
“We scramble over the few available benches. To sit on a bench you must leave the house as early as 6:00am and run to a school. Some of the classrooms like ours, are not floored. So we sit on the bare ground. We beg authorities to provide our school with enough benches” one of the students explains.
Teachers explain that this situation makes the teaching and learning process quite unbearable:
” It is very difficult and complicated to teach with the current situation here. When it starts to rain, teachers and students run to cluster in classrooms with rooftops, disrupting studies. I really feel pity for these children.”
The school administration also pleads for the intervention of the Minister of secondary education and other local authorities in Mouotourwa.