Operation Dead Chalk Silences Noise At School

Teachers in the Babadjou subdivision, West region have joined their counterparts in the country to launch a strike operation called the “Dead Chalk”, CNA can confirm.
The strike action centers around poor working conditions with no automatic salary, ineffective payment of the remaining 1/3 advance on balance, no substantial recall, no automatic promotion or advances, sick blackmail and bribery system at the ministry of Secondary Education as some agents ask 20 to 30% to get dues paid, non-payment of appraisal premiums, non-payment of missions and correction of exams.
They further say, 5 months from the exams, the Baccalaureat board has not yet paid those who marked the 2020-2021 session.
As a result, some of them die, some cannot be treated, some cannot take care of their families or meet their social charges. Others live well, grow rich, at the expense of those who make up society. No other body has this outrageous management system.
They also have announced no marking and no exam for the moment.