NWSW regions: Religious leaders sound trumpet for school resumption

By Stephen TADAHA
5 days before the start of the new school year, well-known religious leaders in the English-speaking Regions have joined their voices to those of administrative authorities to call parents to send their children to schools.
The calls were made by the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, PCC, Rt Rev Fonki Samuel, and the Bishop of the Buea Diocese, Mgr Michael Bibi, via a video made public by state media on Tuesday, August 29, 2023.
In the video, both men advocated for the smooth resumption of classes in both crisis-hit regions while outlining the importance of education.
“Fellow brothers and sisters of Cameroon, another academic year is around; another opportunity to change the mindset of our children into responsible citizens of our nation. I call on all parents to invest in children for it is the best investment in life. No one has the right to deprive our children of Education.” PCC Moderator said.
He also used the opportunity to request free education at the basic level.
” It is our responsibility as parents and government to make sure this right to education is respected. I want to use this opportunity to plead with the Government of Cameroon to grant free education to our children at the basic level. This will improve the literacy rate in Cameroon for our Nation’s development. I pray that this academic year 2023-2024 be a fruitful one for our nation. “
Another religious leader who made a similar call is His Grace Michael Bibi, Bishop of the Buea Diocese in the South West Region.
” My dear parents, my dear brothers, and sisters, one of the missions that the church has to accomplish in the society is the education of children. We do not only preach the gospel, but we invite our children to go to school. As we prepare for another academic year, I would like to invite our parents, brothers, and sisters that education is very important for us. Those of us going to school should know that we are laying a future for ourselves, the reason why our parents make lots of sacrifices to send us to school and we should be open in return, as to be proud of ourselves at the end.” the Bishop said in the video.
These calls from religious leaders come to add to that of administrative authorities. On Thursday, August 25, 2023, during a sector meeting in the North West, Governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique in launching a fight against ghost teachers, called on parents to send their children to schools for measures have been taken to ensure a smooth resumption this school year.
It should also be noted that Roland Ngwang, regional delegate of Basic Education in the North West recently revealed that an estimated 75 000 children had gone missing since the crisis began in 2016.