NW region: 160 youths pledge to end plastic pollution in Tubah

Primary, Secondary, and University children in Tubah sub-division embarked on a safe environment initiative in the municipality through the collection of plastic waste. The youths selected from all villages that make up Tubah subdivision in Mezam paraded the streets and quarters to pick up plastic waste that had been blocking gutters and keeping the area unkempt.
“Each of them within the first two weeks of the holiday program had to provide 500 pieces of plastic bottles and now we have a total of 80.000 plastic bottles. For the third week, the children had to provide 5kgs of nylons each and I am glad they did” Martin Tanjong, Mayor of Tubah.
While receiving the plastic waste at the plastic dumpsite of the council, the Mayor of Tubah, encouraged the new climate change ambassadors to extend the good practice in their homes and create an impact. Through the exercise.
The youths were taught how to separate hard waste from soft waste “I have learned that all dirt is not the same so as I go home, I will separate plastic waste from kitchen waste and dump them at the specific sites created by the council to continue in the eco-friendly development initiative of council officials. I now know that it is not good to burn plastic waste as it destroys the ozone layer and affects our crops. ” Maimuna Ngida, participant told reporters.
The Mayor has promised to continue this project which is aimed at reducing plastic pollution in the municipality, hoping other councils copy a good example.
Martin Tanjong added that plastic waste will serve in construction projects” The bottles that are in good shape will be filled with earth ground and used as bricks to build classrooms. Meanwhile, the twisted bottles and nylons will be recycled and blended with road construction materials.”