NW Governor, Lele Lafrique commends journalists on World Press Freedom Day

By Charity Nginyu
In commemoration of World Press Freedom Day, Adolphe Lele Lafrique Governor of the North West Region has extended his sincere congratulations to journalists for their unwavering dedication to upholding the principles of a free and vibrant media landscape in the region.
Under the theme “A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of Environmental Crisis,” Governor Lele Lafrique acknowledged journalists’ significant role in combating climate change disinformation and raising awareness about environmental issues.
He commended their commitment to disseminating accurate information and promoting environmental consciousness, emphasizing its importance in addressing the challenges of climate change.
Governor Lele Lafrique expresses pride in acknowledging the key role that the media plays in fostering transparency, accountability, and democracy. He highlighted journalists’ relentless pursuit of truth and their steadfast commitment to ethical journalism as instrumental in shaping public discourse and driving positive societal change.
“On this day, let us reaffirm our commitment to defending press freedom and supporting the invaluable work of journalists in the North West Region,” Governor Lele Lafrique urged.
“Together, let us continue to strive for a better, more informed, and sustainable future for our Region,” he continued.
In a nutshell, the Governor’s message emphasized the importance of press freedom and the crucial role journalists play in promoting transparency and accountability.