NW Fecafoot president pleads for more time to deliver B’da proximity stadium

By NuKapuh P
The president of FECAFOOT North West has called on the population to wait for a more classic stadium available for usage as soon as possible.
Mbigha Felix, FECAFOOT North West president was speaking Friday, December 30, 2022, during a press briefing at the Ntaafi proximity stadium with some journalists
The press briefing was purposefully to explain to the population what was going on and why the stadium could not be ready by December 31, 2022, as initially announced
According to the president, there were some irregularities in the contract, so they needed to pause and make adjustments before re-award the contract.
“This is one of the first projects the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP realizes on stadiums. There were a lot of irregularities in the contract, so we had to take about three months to study and re-award it,” Mbigha said
He added that the stadium is about 50% done and they are meeting with the various contractors on January 4 and 5 to see how it can be completed as soon as possible
“The synthetic turf for the playground is already here in Bamenda. We just needed the adjustments before UNDP could continue,” Mbigha added
He also revealed that the Bamenda Proximity stadium is being sponsored by UNDP and implemented and supervised by the Cameroon Football Federation
This is one of the 3 stadiums that were announced to be constructed in the North West region by FECAFOOT
For two football seasons now, elite one football matches have been moved out of the region because there is no befitting stadium in the entire Region.