Number of persons traveling to spend christmas with relatives in NW/SW still rising

By Shanta Sih
With only five days left to the celebrtaion of christmas, the number of persons seen at various inter-urban transport agencies trying to get to their loved ones in the North West and South West regions is quite impressive. Most of them say, christmas would not be the same away from their homes and families.
“I am traveling to the Northwest to visit my sister. It has been so many years since we saw each other because of the crisis – more than 2 years. It is holiday for me as a teacher and I think it is the best time to surprise her whether there is insecurity or not,” Awah Beni’s Rinyuy says beaming.
Others interviewed say it is not unsual for them to make these trips at this time of the year:
“If you really love someone then no matter the bad roads or insecurity, you will make time for them. I often travel with all my kids for holidays to Yaounde, Kribi and other places but this time around whether Bamenda is bad or not. It is our native land and my children must see where they come from which is from Kom – Bello to be precise.They should not grow too comfortable here in the South West and forget their origin,“ Antoinette Ankiabom, a mother of 3 opinionates.
“Traveling with family to distant towns during the festive season is always much fun and worth it and most of us from Mbouda do not joke with our visits. At a time like this, we go home, slaughter pigs and chickens. We also buy drinks and make merry with our neighbors and family. In fact we go home to celebrate end of year with family,” says Mbaku Verdin Amanboh a shop owner in Buea.
Inter-urban bus drivers and park coordinators are complaining that the demand for journies is way higher than they can manage:
“Usually Moghamo uses 70 seat buses but this time around, the population is too much for cars available to the extent that we have to fill the buses into 80- 90 passengers instead of 70. Everyone wants to either leave Bamenda,Yaounde, Kribi, Nkongsamba to unite with their families for the merry making but we cannot increase the cost of transportation because we know the value of family,” a driver of the Moghamo bus agency explains.

The Ndop-Bamessing road has been blocked leaving most of the passengers intending to leave their villages for the South West or Bamenda stranded. While others are returning back home, others look for sleeping space waiting patiently for the road to be opened so they can be reunited with their families.
”Some of us have been here for over 24 hours and we understand everyone wants to travel to either return home from the cities or meet family in the cities. We pray the road is opened so I can travel with my kids to Douala,” Emilien Nfor a parent says.
The end of year period has always been a busy one at inter-urban transport agencies and this year i definitely not different. With the increase in the number of trips made, drivers get exhausted and the number of road accidents increase as well. Authorities advice that care be taken and the highway code be strictly respected for the safety of all.