Noun: inhabitants complain of lack of gendarmerie post

Inhabitants of Ngouen-Mogny in the Noun division of the West region say they have been living in terror and uncertainty due to the absence of a gendarmerie and police post in their locality.
They voiced their concerns during a ceremony presided at by the Divisional Officer of Koutaba, Bertrand Ta, to install a vigilante committee to protect the community.
“Here at Ngouen-Mogny, we don’t feel safe. The forces of law and order are found over 20 kilometers away,” a local complained.
“It’s difficult for inhabitants to contact the police because there is usually no network to call especially as they are far. We are suffering from insecurity,” another added.
The Divisional Officer assured inhabitants of Ngouen-Mogny that the newly installed vigilante group will help bring back tranquility to the area.
He reminded the committee members that their task is very delicate. “Know that when we are ensuring the security of a people, we have their lives in our hands” the D.O. noted.
Betrand Ta said badges will be given to the vigilante group, so that they are easily identified in the community.
The members received security shoes, mobile phones, and whistles to help them in their activity.