North West region: Mayors, Deputies back to classroom

Some 31 Mayors and their deputies from all seven divisions of the North West, were drilled on assessing damage, detecting various types of management irregularities, and implementing best management practices in their councils to avoid being caught up in a quagmire during controls by the supreme state audit office.
The three-day workshop from October 31 to November 2, 2023, which took place in the north west regional capital, Bamenda, witnessed a plethora of presentations and questions from Mayors who admitted that they had been in the dark,
“We have learned how to manage councils in an effective, efficient way to avoid any judicial proceedings and also to be accountable to our population. We have also learned the importance of collaboration… I don’t think there is any Mayor who will not be able to face management problems in councils henceforth. Things will change for the better.” Denis Awoh Ndang, President of the United Councils and Cities for the North West said at the end of the training.
The training on “CONCEPTS OF IRREGULARITIES, MISMANAGEMENT, DAMAGE AND LIABILITY IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITY” was initiated by the ruling party, CPDM permanent delegation for the North West with the aim of shunning undemocratic attitudes of some Mayors who have resolved to run council budgets and activities without deputies and not providing expected results.
“You know our nation is going through all kinds of changes and it is important that our Mayors be up to date on the evolving management techniques. Mayors are closer to the people and for this reason, they must rule well. If they run municipalities wrongly, we will all be in trouble… If you don’t manage power well, you will be in trouble, the Mayor must work with the team with which he won the election” Philemon Yang, head of the North West permanent delegation of the CPDM and former Prime Minister told reporters.
The sessions were chaired by the minister delegate at the presidency of the Republic in charge of the Supreme state audit, Mbah Acha Rose Fomundam who warned that those found guilty of mismanagement of public funds will not be given a fair treatment despite the context in which they are working, “They are going to improve. I think soon, we will hear of good governance, accountability… Yes, there are difficulties and together, we will see how to handle them. We have given them the necessary tools and I must reiterate that our next mission in the North West will be for control and anyone who did not respect the guides, will be brought to book”
Mayors are looking forward to more such training to give the crisis-hit region, a facelift.