
Nkoabang Mayor hits roadside businesses

Jean François Odingui Owona and security forces have been at Carrefour Nkoabang since September 13, destroying makeshift and roadside businesses.

Operation “Commando 1” initiated by the mayor of the municipality, is the outcome of failed sensitization and negotiations with these traders in August 2022. Centre Governor Naseri Paul Bea, had held talks with these traders, urging them to relocate to the council market at “Entrée Carrière” but they refused:

“The new site does not have an adequate market structure. Plus it is not known to many and going there to sell will be a loss for us” a trader argued.

Carrefour Nkoabang has for the past years experienced horrible traffic jam especially when trucks transporting goods to Chad and the Central African Republic (CAR) get there due to the activities of these road vendors:

“Sometimes, we spend about two hours trying to come out of the traffic and this delays our arrival to our final destination” a driver laments.

The roundabout is on the Douala-Bangui-Ndjamena corridor linking Cameroon to Chad and even CAR. This corridor on the East entrance of Yaounde, records 75% of goods transit and 90% of business between these three countries but in the past years, there has been a drop in exchanges due to the urban disorder.

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