Nigeria: Nera 10 hearing adjourned at House of Reps

The 10 members of the Ambazonia Interim-Government who were arrested in Nigeria on January 5, 2018, and repatriated to Cameroon, are seeking intervention from the Tinubu government to use diplomatic means and ask Cameroon to send them back to Nigeria.
Following the failure of former President Mohammadou Buhari to respect the Supreme Court’s order to notify the Cameroon government about the illegal repatriation of the University Professors and Refugees, their legal team has petitioned the Nigerian House of Representatives to discuss the issue.
The petitioners believe that the Nigerian Parliament can wade in and secure their release so that they can be free to dialogue with the Cameroon government or do whatever they want because you cannot negotiate with someone who is jailed, a legal representative said.
The House Committee on Public Petitions received the petition from the FRULAW CHAMBERS.
“What we are asking the parliament to do, is realize that these people were not detained under the administration of Bola Tinubu, a human rights person. He was a former exile and refugee in another country who was running away from tyranny. He fought tyranny and defeated tyranny…Now, there is hope renewed, so we want that hope that is renewed to engage our neighbours, to touch the lives of our neighbors, especially these my clients. We want him to intervene with the Cameronian authorities to release them.” One of the legal representativess told the press.
Sisiku Julius Ayuktabe and 9 others were arrested in an Abuja hotel where they allegedly met for a meeting in the wake of the crisis in Cameroon’s Anglophone regions, which they had declared its independence.
The Parliament adjourned the case to May 14, 2024.