Ngwayu Timende’s murderers arrested

The murderers of 41-year-old Eileen Ngwayu Timende have been arrested. The 25-year-old ex-convict and his19-year-old assistant were arrested in Yaounde and were taken to the crime scene this April 24 for the reconstitution of facts.
The men demonstrated how they climbed over the victim’s fence, sawed off her window protectors and gained access to the house.

They explained that they immediately unplugged her television set, laptop, stole her money as well as her phones. The assailants added that they were about to leave when the victim decided to put up a fight. This, they say, led to them stabbing her three times with the fatal stab being in her throat.
“Investigations took less than a week and a half to produce results. We were able to lay hands on the perpetrators thanks to the collaboration of the population,” Commissioner Thierry Medou of the number 1 central police station declared.
The reconstitution took place in the presence of the State Prosecutor at the Hotel Le Paradis neighborhood in Ngousso, where the victim lived prior to her death.
Eileen Ngwayu Timende was found by neighbors in the early hours of April 14 with a st@b wound in her throat. Her phones and laptop were taken by her attackers. Several friends and family relatives described her on social media as a calm and loving person.
Arrestation des présumés assassins de Mme Ngwayu Eileen Timende 41 ans. Le Commissaire divisionnaire, Thierry Medou, du commissariat central N°1 de la ville de #Yaoundé, se félicite de la rapidité des opérations. La reconstitution des faits survenus le 14 avril dernier au quartier Ngousso à #Yaounde, a eu lieu ce lundi en présence du procureur de la République près le Tribunal de Grande Instance de #Yaounde.