Nguti Elites Preach School Resumption, Donate Didactic Material

By Nadesh E.
According to back-to-school statistics presented by the Inspector of Basic Education for Nguti Subdivision, Fonge Fidelis, over 1000 pupils answered present in Government and private schools in Nguti subdivision on the first day of resumption for the 2021/2022 academic year.
He also mentioned that unlike the past years of the crisis where children used to go to farms during school terms, this year, parents and pupils have cleaned school campuses and pupils began schooling. This turnout and response of parents and pupils have prompted elites from the subdivision to donate didactic materials to these pupils who have decided to go back to school after staying home for over 4 years.
The ceremony to donate these materials happened on September 19, 2021, in Douala in the presence of elites from the nine clans, educationists, religious, traditional, and political authorities.
The architect behind this initiative who is a member of parliament for the Nguti subdivision, Chief Dr. Fonge Julius represented at the occasion by AJang Evaristus said the books are for children who are already going to school and not those at home. He encouraged those receiving on behalf of their communities to make sure the books reach the pupils they are meant for.
Supporting this initiative, on the other hand, the General Manager of the Hydrocarbons Prices Stabilization Fund known for its french acronym CSHP, Ndoh Johnson Okie was represented by his Private Secretary, Etuba Kelvin. The representative made a clarion call for all Nguti elites to be united in their action and he proposed one of the ways to do so was the revival of the NGUSCUDA development association.
The duo, both elites of the Nguti subdivision, Fonge Julius and GM Ndoh Jonhson have been instrumental in the development project in Nguti subdivision. The people have seen their intervention in different scenarios like;
- Assitance to victims of the mud slide in the Mbo hinterlands.
- Construction of the Banyu road.
- Installation of electricity in Nguti and Babubock health centr.
- Creation of an Institute of Agricultural Research for Development IRAD in Mboka, an institution which Mr Etuba Kelvin says will solve the problem of mono-crop farming by Nguti farmers, a problem raised by the president of the Nguti chiefs conference Chief Etuge Augustine.
- Fundraising for the Nguti eliteswith cojoint twins and many more.
In his address to elites present, the president of the Nguti Chiefs Conference, Chief Etuge Augustine Esong stressed the need for elites to make sure pupils are studying in environments free from security threats. He also lamented on why the great donation exercising wasn’t taking place in Nguti Subdivision due to insecurity and poor roads.
The beneficiaries have expressed gratitude to donors who have decided to support the education of children. Each of the nine packages had representatives from the nine clans that make up the Nguti Subdivision to receive for their communities.
Nhon Prince Ewange receiving for the Babubock community told CNA his community is very happy for the gesture. He added that pupils have been going to school but not all have had books already. So, the donations will aid in their learning process and will boost the courage of parents to purchase the necessary didactic materials for their children. Prince Ewange also added that the Babubock people are very excited about the school start this year as community labour was organized to clean the school compound of Government School Babubock in preparation for back-to-school.
The nine receiving communities are
Aboh Ngoe (Babubock)
Ngeme Ngoe
Upper Nkongho
Lower Mbo
Upper Balong
Bassossi and
Bebung (Nguti)
Lower Nkongho.
It was also revealed at the meeting that due to Separatist fighters’ activities in the villages, all Government Schools are now called Community Schools with restrictions on the singing of the Cameroon National Anthem and hoisting of the Green Red Yellow flag.
The people of Nguti Subdivision are hoping to complete the schooling cycle in Kupe Muanenguba Division by meeting up with Bangem and Tombel that have been having great numbers in terms of school turnout.