News Brief from Cameroon News Agency, CNA, Thursday February 28, 2019

Cameroon News Agency has learned that St Louis computers would be distributed in Bamenda by the special envoy of the Minister of Higher Education on a date to be announced.
Dr Nick said, “I received two calls from MINESUP hierarchy in connection with the distribution of the computers to St Louis students in Bamenda. A special team would be dispatched from MINESUP to that effect. They will carry the computers to BAMENDA and share to the students of St Louis at the Governor’s Office. You do not have to pay. The Ministry of Higher EDUCATION will bear the costs of handling. H.E. the Minister will inform us when his special envoy will come too Bamemda”
Students had earlier planned to burn the institution after the founder asked them to pay the sum of 5000FCFA for their laptops to be transported from Douala to Bamenda OR they travel to Douala and pay only 1000FCFA.
There was serious fighting early morning in Mbiame and Bafut in Bui and Mezam divisions respectively as separatist fighters attacked two Gendarme posts.
One Gendarme has died, 4 wounded and 1 Ambazonia fighter killed in the attacks. The fighters launched an attack on the Mbiame Gendarmerie Brigade around 7:30 am, wounding 3 Gendarmes.
EDOU wounded around his testicles, PALE suffered hand fracture, JEAN AUGUSTINE wounded on left arm, one fighter killed, and a dane gun seized.
While in Bafut; Gendarme WAMBO was killed and GAKOUNDOU was wounded.
Dozens of locals in Awing are now living in bushes after Soldiers stormed the area burned houses, looted while shooting indiscriminately. Children, women and even old women trekked for long distances to an unknown destination
A peace movement dubbed, “North West and South West Peace Movement on Cessation of Violence” has seen the light of day. In a Press statement, the initiators have said they are apolitical, seeking lasting peace. They will be consulting and discussing the way forward with key actors including those in the Diaspora, the Government and Opinion leaders.
Initiators include Dr Nick Ngwanyam, Barrister Henry Ngale Monono, Chief Nobert Mbile and Hon Francis Enwe.
The Ambazonia People’s National Convention opens today in Philadelphia, USA, today. Prior to this conference, there have been cyber warfare within groups fighting for the restoration of the State of Southern Cameroons. Some believe that it is a plan to unseat some members of Ambazonia Interim Government. One of the aims of this conference is to give powers to strong and accountable institutions and not individuals.
Barrister Michelle Ndoki arrested three days ago was finally taken to the GSO, Groupement Speciale Operation in Yaoundé. She received her first visitor last night. The vice president of the women’s wing of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement Party arrested this week insisted that she has the right to remain silent in the course of interrogation today. The Cameroon Bar Association has demanded the immediate release of her member, Barrister Michelle Ndoki
Maurice Kamto today appeared before a Magistrate of the Mfoundi High Court on the procedure filed for Habeas Corpus (immediate release). Though it was an in-camera Chamber session, dozens stormed the Court yard in support of Kamto and others. The case has been adjourned to March 7, 2019.
Prince Nfor Hanson Nchanji
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