New Limbe One Council Building To Cost FCFA 559

By Simon Kalla
Limbe, Cameroon June 18 2017 (Cameroon News Agency) The project to construct a new council building to host the services of Limbe 1 council to boost development of the municipality is on course, council officials have disclosed.
The Mayor has said the building which will be located at Cite SONARA, would cost FCFA 559 million.
The project for the construction of the new council building is one of the development priorities of the Limbe 1 council management which started nursing the idea in 2016.
The Mayor, Mua Rodanny Mokako, disclosed during the first ordinary Session of the Limbe 1 Council in 2017 on Thursday June 15, 2017 that last year, the land for the project was obtained through SDO’s order and a loan secured from FEICOM for the construction of the new council building.
Considered one of his major development dreams for Limbe 1 municipality, the mayor said the money for the building is already available and the contract already awarded.
Dedicated for the examination of administrative, management and store keeper’s report for 2016, the Mayor in his presentation of the session said the councilors voted a budget of 600 million FCFA with an additional 90.874.300FCFA in 2016 this made a total of 690.874.300FCFA.
The council realized total revenue of 527.381.163FCFA and 491.932.376 for total expenditure.
From the budget, the council carried out activities such as electrification and fencing of the slaughter house in mile 4, construction of two classrooms in Towe and Mabeta new layout and maintained some roads in the municipality among other projects last year.
The Mayor noted that, the 2016 fiscal year was a good one for Limbe 1 council as everything went well but raised fears that 2017 may not be good one for the council given that the council’s revenue is witnessing a drop due to the reluctance by some business men in the municipality to pay their taxes citing socio-political crisis in North West and South West Region of the country.
He pleaded with the S.D.O Zang lll to assist the council for the recovery of the taxes for the development of the municipality. The Mayor further called on parents to send their children back to school to prepare for their future and that of the country which will be in their hands.
In response, Fako SDO Zang lll hailed the mayor Mua Rodanny Mokako for the  whast he termed success in realization of some projects especially the project to construct the council building ,the payment of salaries and social insurance due for staff at a time other councils in the area are owing the payment of social dues of their staff, was also recommended by the S.D.O Zang lll.
However Mr Zang lll frowned at the council staff whom he said are earning good salaries and prompt payment of social benefits but are not duty conscious and punctual at work. He also instructed the mayor to stop illegal sales of fuel in the municipality, use the services of the security to recover unpaid taxes from tax payers.