Human Interest

Ndian Division: SDO urges his population to “terrorize” amba fighters

The SDO for the Ndian Division, South West region, Gilbert Guibai Baldena has called on the populations of Mundemba and Ekondi Titi he visited on November 9 and 10 respectively, to terrorize the ‘terrorists’, referring to separatist fighters. The peace crusade continues this week in other subdivisions.

‘Terrorize the terrorists’, to the senior administrative officer implies ” denounce and report Ambazonia fighters to security and administrative officials. Say no to ghost towns and lockdowns by sending their children to school on Mondays. Yes to peace, unity and development.”

While in Ekondo Titi, one of the hardest hit area by the armed conflict, the inhabitants said they tired of the war.

“Women and children have suffered and still suffer the most. Women can’t go about their farm and business activities. Children are not going to school. Some brave the odds to, and are often victims of attacks. We are tired and want peace.” Demanded, Mbongo Mary, a resident in Ekondo Titi.

In her address speech, the mayor of Ekondo Titi , Mme Utam Margaret Ndiba questioned the population’s genuine collaboration with security and administrative officials to end killings, kidnappings, arson attacks, abuses by armed separatists.

“How often do you collaborate with security forces? Do you give them vital information which will permit them go down on the field and track down the peace haters or you choose to collaborate with them? How did you feel when the remains of the six Ndian Divisional delegates were exhumed? The wanton killings. Are you happy? It’s time to be trust worth, sincere, work as one with the authorities for peace to be restored and development fostered. Exalted, Mayor Utam Margaret Ndiba.

Vigilantes and traditional leaders pledged the full collaboration of their populations to end all forms of separatist atrocities and abuses.

They also used the occasion to appeal support from the government, in terms of reconstructing destroyed schools, and chase out the spirit of fear in Ekondo Titi.

Before leaving Ekondo Titi, Gilbert Guibai Baldena urged economic operators to stop sponsoring separatist activities. He assured taking measures to allow farmers cultivated and sell their farm outputs in local markets void of separatists hindrance and not to illegally transport them to Nigeria for sale.

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