Breaking: FSLC Markers In Yaoundé Threaten To Go On Rampage Over Unpaid Dues

Yaounde,Cameroon June 2017 (Cameroon News Agency)Hundreds of teachers who took part in the marking exercise of the First School Leaving Certificate examinations at the Central Primary school marking center are threatening to go on rampage over unpaid marking dues, CNA correspondent has confirmed.
Our correspondent reports that the primary school teachers after completing the marking exercise since 11 am Tuesday June 20, 2017 have not been paid.
A teacher talking on basis on anonymity said, “Weed Head teacher, from a private primary school in Yaoundé is already removing windows.”
Reports say the teachers have also refused that their money be split between Mathematics 1 and Mathematics 2. According to information gathered, the teachers were proposed that since each script is marked at FCFA 60, there would be a split in mathematics; hence they will be paid FCFA 30 each for Mathematics 1 and 2 which they refused, insisting that they must be paid the entire sum per subject.
Many teachers say the delay in payment is surprising because before, “Immediately you are done, government pays your money, ” they told CNA.
The regional delegate for basic education arrived the scene of incident to solve the matter in the presence of security forces that had been deployed for any eventuality.
At press time a teacher hinted that everyone had been paid.
Photo credit : FSLC marker