Football league bows to pressure, promises to pay referees’ arrears

After the referees in the Littoral region of Cameroon refused to officiate any games until their unpaid bonuses were paid, a meeting was held with the President of the Association of referees (ACAF) in order to resolve the issue.
According to a statement released by the President of the ACAF’s Littoral branch, after discussions with other football authorities, including the national President Samuel Eto’o and other members of the executive committee it was agreed that the referees would receive their bonuses.
The referees have been promised they will receive a minimum of 10 Million which will be paid in two installments, one installment by Friday June 21st and the second by Monday.
The whole issue took its peak when the referees refused to show up for day 3 matches for the second round in the regional league, leading to a postponement.
However, while they have been promised their arrears with a deadline set, the referees have been encouraged to officiate the games that will be programmed over the weekend before the complete amount promised will be paid.
In addition to the payment of bonuses, it was also stated that the Littoral regional football league would take steps to ensure that no further delays in referee payments would occur during the rest of the competition including the mini interpools.
While the league is still struggling to round up with the second round before getting into the mini interpools, the National Bureau had set June 25th as the latest date for all regions to have their representatives for the 2024 national interpools.