Mundemba: 3 separatist fighters drop weapons

Mundemba village is reportedly calm again after 3 separatist fighters dropped their weapons and declared they are ready to move into the Disarmament Demobilisation and Reintegration centre(DDR) in Buea.
The Chief of Mundemba says it has not been easy to convince the men, mostly from Toko village, to give peace a chance and he added that he hopes many more will follow suit in the coming weeks.
Mundemba has been on of the hardest hit in the South West region by the socio-political crisis as numerous businesses have crumbled over the years.
“Usually you put just a litre of petrol in a day and you still cannot finish it. No passengers. Everyone was indoors so to feed became an issue but things are slowing down and gradually getting back to normal,” Denis a bike rider reports.
“The town has come back to the way it used to be. All the internally displaced persons who had left have returned home. Now we have the village booming and slowly it will get safe again,” Pa Njikecy Peter added.
The people of Mundemba village are equally pleading with authorities to fix the road leading to Toko village and Ekondo Titi so they can easily leave their village to cultivate and harvest more farm produce so poverty and hunger can reduce.
“We now even have forces of law and order who patrol around and check every site. We feel a little bit safe now compared to previous years and we are so happy that our children have understood the importance of peace,” Numundem Pascal, another inhabitant of the village adds.
Reports say more separatists fighters are joining the DDR centre where they are being taught different skills such as driving, building among others.